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Facial fracture treatment

The bones of the face can be broken due to any type of trauma, including accidents, assault, or sports injuries.  Many bones can be affected:


  1. Mandible (lower jaw)

  2. Maxilla (upper jaw)

  3. Zygoma (cheekbone)

  4. Orbit (eye socket)

  5. Nasal (nose) bones

  6. Frontal (forehead) bone


Often, many of these bones are broken at the same time.  Dr. Purnell trained in the most state-of-the art treatment of these fractures at one of the busiest trauma hospitals in the country, Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. In many cases, incisions used to repair these broken bones can be hidden well in natural skin creases or sites where they will not be easily seen.  Whether you have older facial injuries that were never repaired or have a poor appearance, or you have new facial injuries, Dr. Purnell is happy to evaluate you.  


If you have any questions about facial fractures or would like to make an appointment, follow the links at the bottom of this page.

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